If you have an interest in the idea of Christian movies like Orbiter - literally the first Christian motion picture of its kind - you may also have an interest in these particular
short works by David Rosler
David was awake, writing, at 6:30 AM on Christmas Morning, 2020 when, two and a half blocks away, the bomb that devastated a neighborhood in downtown Nashville was detonated, blanking out phones in 3 states and making headlines around the world. Within an hour, David was on the scene and documented the immediate aftermath with more detail than has eve done. Here is his short video documentin the devastation. Be sure to see the message at the end. Uploaded on Christmas Day.
1 minute, 54 second
David walks you through a practical before and after comparison of the importance of
music in movies.
11 minutes, 22 seconds
The Premier of David's first motion picture: made when he was 7 years old! :)
1 minute, 30 seconds
W personal project. David wrote a narration, got internet friends from across the country to record the narration, and then David edited them together along with the following images and footage. This is David's simple statement - in the form of a question .
2 minutes, 22 seconds